Creating Warehouse Orders

This guide walks you through creating warehouse orders for JUSDA's fulfillment service. After a warehouse order is successfully created, the order will be processed by JUSDA's Warehouse Management System and shipped. To follow the status of a warehouse order use the GET WarehouseOrder endpoint. To retrieve confirmed warehouse shipment detailsl use the GET WarehouseShipment endpoint.

Note that this API supports updates. If you post a second request with the same orderNo, the order will be updated in JUSDA's system. You can use this approach to cancel orders using the orderStatusIdentifier property.


JUSDA uses API keys for authentication. At this time API keys are assigned by JUSDA's Technology Team. To obtain a key, contact your JUSDA Sales representative.

Once you have an API key, to authenticate, it will be necessary to pass the key in the HTTP header of each call you make. For the header key pass x-api-key. Pass your key as the value. For example: x-api-key=34A81032-979E-4EFC-9A6F-87E2973F3E20

If there is any problem authenticating your key, the API will respond with an HTTP 401 code.

API Endpoint

The URL for JUSDA WarehouseOrder APIs is:

Use an HTTP POST with the approprate payload as described below.

Post WarehouseOrder Payload

Craft a JSON payload as shown below. Note that this endpoint expects an array of one or more items to be provided. Key properties of the payload:

  • customerName: (required) Your customer name in JUSDA's system. Request this value from your JUSDA Contact.
  • orderNo: (required) Your Order Number
  • externalOrderIdentifier: (optional) An additional reference number which will be returned when you get order status. Can be used to track orders with an identification number generated by your own system.
  • orderDate: (required) Date the order was processed. Use YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • warehouseCode: (required) JUSDA warehouse code that should fulfill the order. Request this value from your JUSDA Contact
  • shipToName: (required)
  • shipToAddress1: (required)
  • shipToAddress2: (optional)
  • shipToCity: (required)
  • shipToPostalCode: (required) ZIP code or postal code
  • shipToCountry: (required) 2 digit ISO country code like US or CN
  • ShipToTelNo: (optional)
  • ShipToEmail: (optional)
  • notesFromBuyer: (optional) Free text notes related to the order that should be conveyed to JUSDA's warehouse staff
  • notesToBuyer: (optional) Free text notes related to the order that should be conveyed to the buyer
  • carrier: (optional) The carrier that should be used to ship the order, if a prearranged routing guide has not already been established.
  • serviceLevel: (optional) The service level that should be used to ship the order, if a prearranged routing guide has not already been established.
  • orderStatusIdentifier: (optional) Your system's description of order status. Can be used to provide orders that are still in process but not ready to ship yet. Use CANCEL to specify that a previously sent order should be cancelled.
  • shipperReference2: (optional) Additional reference number. Only certain carriers support this
  • items: (required) An array containing one item for each item being shipped
  • lineNo: (required) The sequential line number for this order item like 10, 20, 30, etc.
  • sKU: (required) Your SKU or part number.
  • quantity: (required) Quantity to pick and ship for this item
  • lineReference: (required) An additional reference number you can use at the item level. Will be returned on WarehouseOrder and WarehouseShipment GETs

Sample Request

                "customerName" : "ABC Technology Corporation",
                "orderNo": "ABC001",
                "orderDate" : "2021-01-25",
                "warehouseCode" : "USA-Whittier",
                "shipToName" : "Mary White",
                "shipToAddress1" : "1625 Electric Ave",
                "shipToAddress2" : "",
                "shipToCity" : "Los Angeles",
                "shipToStateProvince" : "CA",
                "shipToPostalCode" : "90045",
                "shipToCountryCode" : "US",
                "shipToTelNo" : "",
                "shipToEmail" : "",
                "notesFromBuyer" : "Hot order",
                "shippingMethod" : "Fedex Ground",
                "orderStatusIdentifier" : "READY",
                "items" : [
                        "lineNo" : "10",
                        "sKU" : "Part1",
                        "quantity" : 10.00
                        "lineNo" : "20",
                        "sKU" : "Part2",
                        "quantity" : 400.00

WarehouseOrder Response Payload

The response payload will respond with a message confirming success or an error.

Sample Success Response

                "message": "Warehouse order added successfully"

Sample Error Response

                "error": "OrderNo is required"

API Documentation

For more details about the WarehouseOrder API endpoint, see JUSDA's API Documentation.