JUSDA Developer Documentation

Looking to integrate with JUSDA's supply chain management systems?

JUSDA's APIs allow our customers and partners to integrate with our shipping, fulfillment, visibility and trade compliance systems. Automate your supply chain processes by automating end-to-end workflows between your internal systems and JUSDA's.

To get started, take a look at the below documentation. We provide a detailed API reference and several tutorials. If you would like to move forward with integration, contact your JUSDA sales representative so we can issue you an API Key. We will provide you a Test API key that allows you to develop your integration in our test sandbox. Once you're ready to go live, we'll issue you a Production API key.


View JUSDA's API reference.

API Docs

Use JUSDA's OpenAPI 3 spec

OpenAPI Spec

Step-by-Step Tutorials


Need more information?

Reach out to your JUSDA sales represenative and have them schedule a call with one of our integration experts. We are happy to help plan your project.